Today’s Thirsty Thursday will help you get that amazing and ever elusive great booty shot! It can feel impossible to get the right angle on your booty, but it comes down to one simple tip: get the right angle.

In the top picture, I was trying to hold my phone behind me and just couldn’t get the right angle. In the bottom bootylicious pic, I stood my phone on the floor, propped slightly upwards (against a soup can) and set my timer for 3 seconds. I got on my knees, pushed my booty out like a MOTHER and placed my hands on either side of my booty. VOILA! Perfect peach shape.
TIP: cheekies are the BEST fit for this type of shot. Booty shorts work if you don’t feel comfortable showing off ALL that butt.
TIP: place your hands *gently* on your booty. If you press in too much you’ll dig into your booty and make “indents.”
TIP: If you can’t get that perfect shot, put your phone on video and practice with how far out you push your booty. Then you can screenshot your favorite angle!
Have fun taking amazing shots of your booty!!
For weekly selfie tips, join my facebook group, Studio M Boudoir Photography Babes!